How to know when to hire a Marketing Coach?

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When to know to hire a Marketing Coach might be one of the most critical decisions you make for your business this year. Marketing is one of those really broad terms that can be both exciting and overwhelming because it encompasses so many elements. The sheer magnitude of what all the word “marketing” entails means that almost anyone in a marketing or business owner role will benefit from hiring a marketing coach.

Whether you’ve been in your role for just a few moments or for many, many years, no doubt you’ve at times really loved marketing and really hated it – possibly both at the same time.

Advantages of a Marketing Coach

You’ll know when you’re ready to hire a Marketing Coach because you’re ready to achieve that next level in your business and have realized that you can’t do it all on your own.

If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then you need a Marketing Coach:

  1. Do you struggle to put a marketing plan in place?
  2. Do you wish you had someone to bounce ideas off of?
  3. Are you so wrapped up in everyday tasks that you’ve lost track of the big-picture?
  4. Are you a task-oriented person who struggles to think long-term?
  5. Do you routinely miss deadlines or objectives?
  6. Are you the sole marketing professional in your company?
  7. Are you new to a marketing role?
  8. Are you a business owner needing to improve your marketing knowledge?
  9. Do you find yourself out of budget when great marketing ideas come along?
  10. Has said your website/social media/marketing needs improvement?

This isn’t even an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea of just how much ground Marketing Coaching covers. Hiring the right Marketing Coach will help you will every one of those items and more.

Reasons to Hire a Marketing Coach

If you aren’t already convinced that it’s time to hire a Marketing Coach, let’s talk about the primary reasons to stop procrastinating doing so.

A great marketing coach is going to be a sounding board for you, as well as a source of accountability. He or she will help you identify and set goals that support your overall business strategy. More importantly, they will help you set reasonable – yet aggressive – deadlines to help you make progress, moving you in the direction of your goals.

Accountability is important to all high-performing professionals and when it comes to marketing there is something else you need other than just someone to ask, “Did you get it done?” With marketing coaching, you have someone who can identify the roadblocks and help you navigate around them – often before they even become issues. Relying on someone else who has seen it before allows you to learn from all of their experiences. You don’t have to make the mistakes they’ve seen previous people make – you benefit not just from your coach’s experience but from all of the experiences they’ve learned from their client base.

Hiring a Marketing Coach will also provide you with someone who can look at your existing marketing presence and provide objective input. Something that might be driving you mad might be the least important thing to Google – or to your prospects. On the flip side, you may not even be aware of a simple tweak that could help you start attracting more customers.

A marketing coach will be to help you identify and prioritize those things that need immediate attention versus those items that can be addressed down the line. That’s the power of hiring a marketing coach.

At Vision Force Marketing we’ve coached business owners across dozens of industries, marketing professionals in a variety of corporate settings as well as startups and one-man marketing departments.

We would love to have a conversation with you to determine if you’d be a good fit for one of our marketing coaching programs. Reach out to our owner today at or call +630.313.2804.

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