If Your Marketing Company Isn’t Growing – How Can They Help You Grow?

Are you following a Marketing company’s advice who doesn’t bother to stay on top of Marketing trends? In just the past week I’ve come across two marketing companies who claim to do websites who have websites that aren’t even mobile-friendly!
One company’s site actually came up with an error message on my smartphone because it’s so outdated. Listen, if your marketing company’s website isn’t mobile-friendly how can you trust that any of the advice they’re giving you is relevant? It’s outrageous, but there are marketing companies who want your business and yet they themselves have ignored the top marketing trend of the past two years! If they’ve ignored that trend, what else are they ignoring? If your Marketing company isn’t bothering to learn this stuff, how do you know they’re guiding you right on your branding or your email campaigns – what ELSE are they giving you outdated advice on?
Marketing is moving way too fast now to work with a company who is not staying constantly plugged into what’s going on in the world of marketing and technology. The technology piece is no longer an afterthought or something to be done “later”. If you want your business to grow, it’s imperative that it is an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. So, research your marketing company’s own marketing efforts. Do you like their brand? Do you like their logo? Is it exciting, does it inspire you? If not, it might be time to look for a marketing company who is actually leading the industry, not following it.
“They just don’t have the resources,” you might say – Really? A marketing company unwilling to spend their own dollars on marketing is not who you want advising you on how to spend your resources. A Marketing company who isn’t growing or a marketing company who can’t attract enough customers to grow their own business is not who you want to entrust your brand. If they can’t do it for themselves, how do you expect them to help you? You wouldn’t hire a golf pro who couldn’t connect with the ball in his swing, nor should you hire a marketing company who hasn’t figured out how to make marketing work for them.
Just like any profession, there are people at the top of their game, and even more who aren’t good at all. It’s the same with Marketing. Just because someone was hired once at some “marketing” related job does not mean they were successful; being good at one tactical thing is not the same as putting together a brand strategy and being a consultant, is not the same as someone who has successfully built their own business. So buyer beware, do your research and work with a marketing company whose own marketing is dynamic and inspiring!
It’s the fourth quarter, what are you planning on doing differently next year? Call us for a free strategy session to find out why we’re different: +1.888.723.7194. Vision Force Marketing has a system in place that people tell us that nobody else is doing in the marketplace. Our clients have raved about us, read reviews on our website. Be inspired. Be our next success story!